Where Food Meets History

Featuring the Historic Kitchens of Sydonie Mansion

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Where Food Meets History

Featuring the Historic Kitchens of Sydonie Mansion

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A Closer Look at the Kitchens of Sydonie Mansion

What Is Sydonie Eats?

There are a lot of cooking blogs and a lot of recipes, but when you combine amazing recipes bursting with big, bold flavor and cook them in one of the amazing kitchens in historic Sydonie Mansion, it is an inspiring and life-changing experience. Not only will I be sharing amazing recipes and techniques but I will also share with you each week a segment of the discovery and restoration of this national historic treasure we have been transforming for the last seven years.



Cooking at home isn't the same as cooking in a restaurant, but you can still achieve amazing flavors for both the palate and the eye. The home cook doesn't need to make food for hundreds of people and can do things that wouldn't work in a restaurant setting. We will cook a different dish each week from amazing food I have eaten around the world that you can make and enjoy at home. After 12 years of living in Japan and two years in Singapore, I have picked up some insights into making food delicious! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. 


On our YouTube channel, we will be bringing you more than just great food. If you love history, you will love learning more about where we are cooking and how Sydonie Eats came to be. Each week we will share photos and videos of the restoration process from the past seven years that brought this historic mansion from ruin to amazing!

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